Monday, March 7, 2011

Nearer, My God, To Thee - day 16

#16 - write in your journal. if you usually write in your journal, i want you to read back a couple months ago. sometimes what you wrote a while ago can be inspiring. you could have written something that is just so amazing and great. and sometimes you think "was i ever so stupid and naive?!" and you learn from old mistakes that you forgot. it's good to look back. it's good to remember where you came from. to remember where you want to go. learn lessons from who you were. :) you might re-find something new.

alright. so that was just a great challenge :) i realized i was a lot happier last year and i figured out why i was so happy last year. i think i appreciated the smaller things in life and i focused on others. i was less stressed and i got more sleep. i'm trying to start doing that again. i also think i studied the scriptures more. :) it's going to be a great rest of the year. i'm trying so hard to be happy :) i think i'll get it again.  i read things that i had forgot had happened. i fell in love with jordan again. i found myself. it was an odd feeling... i need to talk to some people and tell them things that i have learned about them and myself. things i wanted to say but never did.

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